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Congresswoman Escobar Statement on Governor Abbott Signing the Deadly Permitless Carry Legislation

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (TX-16) issued the following statement after Governor Greg Abbott signed deadly permitless carry legislation:

“After the August 3rd attack on El Paso, Governor Greg Abbott promised victims and our devastated community that he would take action against gun violence. Almost two years later, Governor Abbott has chosen to betray the victims of gun violence and legislators who believed him, proving he is neither a man of his word nor a leader with courage. 

“The permitless carry bill will cause more violence and loss. Despite overwhelming support for common-sense gun violence prevention legislation like universal background checks, Texas Republicans, led by a cowardly governor, are more interested in groveling for the gun lobby’s attention than they are in preventing gun violence and honoring victims and survivors in El Paso and across Texas. 

“Texans deserve the right to live free from gun violence and I will continue to do all I can in Congress to end the gun violence epidemic that plagues our nation and causes indescribable pain and horror like that which El Paso has had to endure.”


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